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    SAQ-A Reference

    Here you can find all needed methods and respective parameters to further enrich your checkout workflow for SAQ-A solution.

    All methods should be called on PayEngine object (e.g PayEngine.desiredMethod(parameters)).



    Used to initialize the credit card number and credit card verification iframes in containers, provided by the integrator.

    NameMandatoryTypeDefault ValueDescription
    creditCardContainerYESString or DOM ElementN/AThe id of the container html element OR DOM Element, where iframe of the credit card number input field will be rendered
    verificationContainerYESString or DOM ElementN/AThe id of the container html element OR DOM Element, where iframe of the credit card verification input field will be rendered
    optionsNOObjectN/AOptionally appies custom UI appearance. Available settings are: cardNumberStyle / verificationStyle : a custom style ( String ) for the corresponding iframe.Custom styles can be defined in the section Custom Styles in the Merchant Center. Every custom style gets a unique ID, which should be placed as value for the corresponding parameter. Default: none cardNumberPlaceholder / verificationPlaceholder : a custom placeholder (String) for the corresponding iframe input field. Default: none
    initCallbackYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - callback (error, result). Result parameter is a reference object that is to be used by the integrator with all other SAQ-A methods, indicating exactly which iframes instance is being targeted. Error parameter is an object, containing a message with the reason why the iframe were not loaded.


    Creates payment instrument

    NameMandatoryTypeDefault ValueDescription
    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    dataYESObjectN/AAn object for credit card information, which should have the following key-value pairs: expiryMonth: {EXPIRY MONTH}, expiryYear: {EXPIRY YEAR}, cardHolder: {CARD HOLDER}
    resultCallbackYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - callback (error, result) Result parameter is object, containing the paymentInstrumentId Error parameter is an object, containing a message with the reason what has failed. Please see Error object for further information.


    The method will return the credit card type.

    NameMandatoryTypeDefault ValueDescription
    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    resultCallbackYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - callback (error, result) Result parameter is object, containing the credit card type (e.g. visa, mastercard, amex, etc.) Error parameter is an object, containing a message with the reason what has failed. Please see Error object for further information.


    iframesValidateCardNumber This method will validate the credit card number.

    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    resultCallbackYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - callback (error, result) Result parameter is true (if validation passed) Error parameter is an object, containing a message with the reason what has failed. Please see Error object for further information.


    This method will validate the credit card verification.

    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    resultCallbackYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - callback (error, result) Result parameter is true (if validation passed) Error parameter is an object, containing a message with the reason what has failed. Please see Error object for further information.


    iframesAddEventListener This method will add event listener on the input field inside the targeted iframe, which will provide the integrator with validation result when triggered by the event chosen.

    NameMandatoryObjectDefault ValueDescription
    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    iframeTypeYESStringN/AcardNumber or verification (see UserVariables)
    eventTypeYESStringN/Ablur, enter, focus, input, mouseOver, mouseOut, shiftTab, tab (see UserVariables)
    listenerYESFunctionN/AFunction with following signature - listener (result) Result parameter will represent an object, containing iframeType, iframeEventType and depending on the iframeType cardNumberValid, cardNumberError, cardType for cardNumber iframe and verificationValid, verificationError for verification iframe.


    iframesRemoveEventListener This method will remove event listener on the input field inside the targeted iframe.

    NameMandatoryTypeDefault ValueDescription
    iframeCoupleReferenceYESObjectN/Aiframe reference, which is received as a result parameter in the initCallback of iframesInit function
    iframeTypeYESStringN/AcardNumber or verification (see UserVariables)
    eventTypeYESStringN/Ablur, enter, focus, input, mouseOver, mouseOut, shiftTab, tab (see UserVariables)
    listenerYESFunctionN/AThe previously added event listener

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